Interpreting Well And Reservoir Model Based On The Well Testing Approach For Constructing Well Productivity

  • Florentino L. S Amaral Soares Department of Petroleum Engineering, School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Dili, Timor-Leste
  • Octávio António Pinto da Silva Department of Petroleum Engineering, School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Dili, Timor-Leste
Keywords: well test, pressure transient analysis, inverse problem, well and reservoir model, IPR, well productivity


Well testing is key to constructing the reservoir model, especially in the development of fields. Well test well-known as pressure transient analysis seeks the dynamic behavior of a reservoir in an inverse problem manner. The pressure transient analysis measures the change in pressure at the wellbore by altering the production rate that can provide a signature of reservoir properties typically in the build-up period. Availability of data is run into the first simulator Ecrin V4 thoroughly monitoring the change in pressure data to the production rate. Pressure and its derivative which is derived from the diffusivity equation are compared to reveal both models in a system of well production. Results show that the skin has negativity -3.43 to refer as no damage and 0.0125 bbl/d of wellbore coefficient at the vicinity wellbore. Further, dual porosity is identified as the reservoir model in which the derivative response showed the transitional dip at the middle time, and aside from that the infinite boundary act flattened at late time. To conclude, the initial pressure of 3915.35 psi in the matrix block flows into the fissure system with an average permeability of 100.8 md. An average pressure in the fissure system can be estimated using the transient flow equation which suits pressure drop depending on the radius and time. Once the reservoir pressure is estimated, 3900 psi. It is necessary to construct the well productivity. The second simulator Pipesim is used to design the inflow performance relationship and the tubing performance. The IPR was continued with Vogel to consider gas dissolved of 400 scf/stb and the tubing was assumed with an inside diameter of 2.735. Finally, the well production may be known as about 32% of AOF 18505.7 stb/d. This interpretation is simple and applicable to unlocking the well and reservoir model for constructing the well productivity-based computational model.


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