Identification of Road Infrastructure Damage in East Penfui Village, Kupang Regency
The condition of roads that have been damaged is the basis for disrupting the development and activities of community transportation, especially in the area of East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency. This study aims to identify damage to road infrastructure that occurred in East Penfui Village. The research method used is to identify road damage using the SDI (Surface Distress Index) method. Primary data collection was carried out according to the construction and building manual on road condition surveys for routine maintenance 001-01/M/BM/2011 issued by Bina Marga. The results of the study were obtained on roads section 1, 3 and 4, the road conditions were between moderate and good, while on road section 2 the road conditions were severely damaged. Types of road damage are dominated by grain damage as much as 39%, edge cracks as much as 24%, elongated cracks as much as 20% and potholes as much as 17%. It is necessary to carry out routine maintenance on roads sections 1, 3 and 4 as well as reconstruction on road section 2.
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